Big Hero 6 + mini lessons on Moving Forward

8:54 AM Ghettomomma 0 Comments

Over the weekend, we went to see Big Hero 6. Having seen the preview, the bois and I were super excited to see the adorable big marshmallow turn into a superhero. 
The word Superhero alone makes the boys extremely excited to see it. 

It instantly became our favorite movie of the year. We laughed, I cried, we laughed some more. I swear, it was absolutely hilarious. 

While I already love action filled cartoon movies, I really liked the lessons that came with it too. 

Here are a few things we can learn from Big Hero 6. I am going to try my bestest to not spoil the movie for you - if you haven't seen it yet. 

1.) In times of trouble, We need friends. We would much rather be alone and throw ourselves a pity party - nothing wrong with that. But let's face it, as much as we think we're ok without them, we need them and if you have people in your life that want to be there for you, don't shut them out, let them. You will up your recovery progress x10. 

2.) Hugs are the best. The same that a smile goes a long way, hugs can make you feel 10x better. From a family, a friend, heck, hug a stranger. You don't know if they need it too :) 
(just be safe!)

3.) Revenge is always the initial reaction to pain. Yep, when we get hurt, we want them to feel the same way they've hurt us - sometimes, even more. Its natural, that's how we're built but... 

4.) You have a choice. When he said, "We are not programmed to destroy." - that was him making a choice. For all we know, he could've. But he didn't, it wouldn't change the past, the current situation and it wouldn't make things better. 

5.) Go for an adventure. You can go all out if you can, otherwise, mini adventures are just as fun. It's good for you. It keeps your mind away for a bit. It will help clear your head and it is an effective treatment ;) 

Big Hero 6 is a big thumbs up on our books. Watch it with your kids, your families, even alone - make it your mini adventure. It is sure to give you a good laugh :) 

There, I did my bestest not to spoil it for you, but if you've already seen it and would like to add on and share your thoughts, I'd love to hear them :) 

Happy Monday! 
#Letsdothis, I'm cheering on you! 


On Dreams and Hustlin' : When hard work pays off...

8:41 AM Ghettomomma 3 Comments

It's been a week since I've switched over to a stay at home - work at home momma. Which means running the business FULL TIME. Which means, I get to stay home more and be away for work less.

I have put soo much time on work for the past year. I have worked a full time job and did shoots or covered events on the weekend. Some weekdays, I would go to work from 6-2 and still work on photos for the rest of the afternoon, all while trying to juggle in laundry, groceries, playing referee between the two boys, packing lunches and making sure the kids are ready to go the next day. Then I had the opportunity to earn a bit more when I switched over jobs the summer, I had a blast and I learned so much from the experience but it required us to be away for some days in a week and back on some weekends, all while dealing with events to cover on weekends and it got me to a point where I was no longer there for my kids. I struggled.

The good thing about all this is that, there was a plan. I had a choice of sacrificing a bit of time to hustle it up, give up a bit of comfort to save money, to get me closer to the goal of being able to be there as a present parent for my kids - physically, financially, emotionally. That, or to keep working a steady job, getting part time gigs to cover up extra expenses and be left with not enough time and energy to spend on taking care of the boys. 

I'm happy to say that through all the sweat and tears, we have made it. Or at least, we are closer to where we want to be. 

We have lived off the basics & stayed on budget for other expenses which allowed us to save enough to get us through another few months. I am happy to say that our bills and rent have been paid off for the rest of the year and this has allowed me to let go of a full time job and instead stay at home & work at home to be there more for the bois. 

There has not been a time this week that I would be close to the door and Jaeden would ask me if I had to go to work, it gives me the biggest pleasure to say that "Mommy doesn't work anymore" (of course, that's not true, I just don't have to be away when he's home.), the biggest smile I get with a big "YAY!" is simply priceless. 

Hard work does pay off & this is my biggest prize. 

There's still a lot of work, we're not there yet, but it feels good to know we're a step closer =)

If you're out there hustlin' for your family or your dreams, Keep hustlin'. Go for it 10 times harder. Focus on your goal. It's not gonna be easy but I can tell you this, IT WILL PAY OFF!
 & when it does, it's gonna Feel Damn Good! 

#Letsdothis, I'm cheerin' on you! 