Saving the dolla dolla billz - Where to begin?

9:30 PM Ghettomomma 0 Comments

I've been thinking about savings and where to begin. What's the best way to put money aside and what can I do today to start putting money away. So, I got a bit of help, Arvin shares with us an insight on where to begin.  

Reduce credit debt
If you have any credit card debt at all, this is where you want to start working on. Let me explain. When you put your or take money in different environments ( savings, investment, your closet, loans, etc), it does not grow at the same rate. Let's say you just take your money and put it in a shoebox you have in your closet. It actually decreases in value due to inflation. So if you had $100 and assuming a 2% inflation, after a year you would only be able to use that money on things worth $98 in the year before. That's because things get more expensive every year. Today an apple might cost $1, next year it could be $1.02. It doesn't sound so bad but when you realize it happens every year and it affects everything then your fixed costs ( Rent, groceries, bills, etc) might be $10,000 a year, in 20 years it will cost you almost $15,000 a year. That’s a $5000 increase! Most credit cards have a 20% interest rate, which is even worse. A $10,000 credit card loan will cost you $300,000 in 20 years. So unless you can find a savings account or investment that can give you more than 20% return. Then I highly suggest starting with that. - Arvin Orena, Life insurance broker and personal finance advisor

Having said that, here are a few tips and tricks that we can do on the daily to start putting money away that can work for us.

1. No Spend Week Challenge.
Every week, challenge yourself to spend $0 on certain items. One week, I would spend $0 on eating out. Other weeks, we decide it's $0 on entertainment. That's not saying we don't do fun stuff, it just allows us to be more creative.

2. Change, Change, Change.
Every dollar counts. If you can collect as much change in a week and put them aside every month - that could go into your savings!

3. Start Small
Seeing the bigger picture helps but starting small allows you to start putting it to action. Start taking out $5/week and go from there.

If you haven't seen it yet, I share a free download and my app pick of the week that helps me with staying on track with the dolla dolla billz yo!
I hope that helps!
xoxo, Ghettomomma

& If you like this post - please share with your badass checklist loving friends :) 



8:11 AM Ghettomomma 0 Comments

I am a very visual person and sometimes, making sure that I've caught up on my monthly bills gives me that one less thing to worry about on the daily.

I used to always be logging in and out of my online banking and seeing if I still need to keep on budget, put in a bit more hours to get us through the month and if there was a bill that I haven't paid just yet. 

I've learned to sit down twice a month to make sure that everything is up to date.

Now, if you're not the paper type - There's an APP for that! 

A couple of years ago, my brother introduced me to this app that can hook up into your bank account. I was a little hesitant at first but you guys, it's been pretty safe. I've had zero problems with it. You can enter in your monthly budgets and it gives you a pretty chart report of where your money's going. It also gives you email reminders if say, you're about to hit your "FOOD" limit - which I'm not going to lie, has happened way too many times. (oops) But it's a pretty awesome way to stay on track. 

You can find this app budgeting thing here :
And it's been one of the best things that has helped me stay on track with my daily spending and figuring out on whether I need to adjust the work-life balance. 

If you like pretty looking things to keep on your desks, to stick on your fridge and have the satisfaction of picking up your pretty pens and putting on that check on a checklist as you pay out those disgusting bills - you're very welcome to DOWNLOAD this ready made 2017 CHECKLIST for your Dolla Dolla Billz Yo! 

I hope that helps :) Have an awesome Monday! 
xoxo, Ghettomomma

& If you like this post - please share with your badass checklist loving friends :) 


Dear Winter Blues.

7:51 AM Ghettomomma 0 Comments

I have been living in the land of cold and snow for a good 5 years now. Every winter, I would tell myself that I would give some fun winter activities a try. Well, I always end up hiding under the blanket with a good warm coffee or hot chocolate (and a bag of chips. oops.) and make it a good excuse to watch a full series of tv shows that I haven't had the time to watch throughout the year (aka The Mindy Project). In other words, I Pig-Out!

But 2016 came and while 2015 was what I would consider a good year, I really did not plan ahead enough last year to balance work and play. For the first week of January 2016, I am already feeling burnt out. I could blame it on the weather. But man, is this body just really giving up on me!

My mind is completely drained. I am tired. Of Everything. And I need to do something about it - fast!

I booked a week off from work with zero plans and as my last day was approaching, I had asked around for what to do.

I ended up in Rabbit Hill with the gfriends. We found a deal on Groupon for the day and decided to do something we all haven't done before, SNOWBOARD.

Ha. The noob in me asked a lot of questions and watched what everyone did. My bum has not had this much action in forever! I have terrible balance so yes, I was falling every 5-10 seconds. Kids half my size were doing so much better than I was. But OMG, it's the funnest thing I've done in a while.

I woke up today and I'm sore as crap! But I needed this. I needed a break. I needed a little excitement. And I needed this time with some of my fave people.

To survive as a mom - a working mom - a working single mom, I've been learning to "Let Go". I had always thought that it would make me such a horrible parent if I go out and have fun on my own. I would always have that guilt in me. But since learning to give myself a "Day Off" or a "Time Out" on my own, as an individual, without my boys, it has given me that breath of freshness and re-motivates me to push through another few weeks or months until I feel the need for a "Time Out" again.

Maybe this year, I will push to schedule these "Time Outs", add them in my calendar and not wait for the burn out.

When was the last time you had your ME time ?
Is it time to schedule in a Day Off ?

xoxo, Ghettomomma