Freedom + Finish Lines + some of my fave things that has helped me keep going.
While I haven't really had much time to write, I thought today is worth making the time.It's pretty funny how you remember exactly how it felt like.. you know, when you get hit by a mountain load of problems that you didn't think you could ever fix. It kinda felt like it was the end of you. You think, "How in the world am I going to make it through this?".
That was 4 years ago.
It was very overwhelming, I can tell you that much.
But one thing kept me going & with that, I am forever and everyday grateful.
It made me believe in the good in the world. It made me believe that one good deed could make such an impact on a person's life. When you give a little bit of your time to listen to a friend, when you share a bit of your life to a stranger, when you take a chance on hiring a girl with big dreams & just the fact that you've given a little bit of encouragement and support - it could mean & change the world for someone.
And it has meant the world for this girl and her little fam.
It's pretty funny looking back in those 4 years - to those that have supported the crazy ideas + side hustles, the many fun adventures that we got into because we were trying to put food in the table or pay that extra bill, the hand me downs and shopping in your cousin's garage for clothes, the people that have graciously fed us and sent food our way - you guys have no idea how happy this makes the boys & for the bestest fam in the world that has helped me with the boys, thank you!!!!
When I became a Single Parent, I had thought that it meant I had to do life alone. That losing a partner meant that I had to carry all these load on my shoulders. But little by little, life has shown me that I wasn't in this journey alone and that I didn't have to do it alone...
We didn't have a lot. We got by with very little. But we were very rich with friends, family, love and lots of adventures + laughs.
Upon receiving a letter that was bearing some pretty kickass news, we've hit our finish line. A nice little milestone in the life of a single parent.
Life can be pretty tough and I'm sure we all have our own share of it - but when you're surrounded with good people in your life, it's all that really matters. Was it easy? Hell no. But I can't complain, it has been the most amazing ride.
We still don't have a lot. We're still getting by with very little. But we are still greatly blessed & very thankful to have amazing people in our life.
Freedom + Finish lines, it feels pretty damn good. There truly must be someone up there who hears our little prayers.
& In hopes of passing it on... here's a few of my fave things that's been passed on to me that has helped keep me going.
"Are you puking? No? Keep GOING!!!"
(the runner/trainer friend)
"Sometimes, you just have to Rip the bandaid."
(the amazing boss)
"If you fail today. You try again today. Not tomorrow. Today."
(the badass mentor)
"If you don't like where you are, move. You are not a tree."
(pinterest. hehe)
"Find your passion & do that. Everything else will follow."
(the decision making helper parent)
"Don't Stress. It all works out in the end."
(the inspiring friend)
& it truly does. Hang in there.
Life gets better, friends! Beautiful days awaits <3
xoxo, Ghettomomma