Single Parenting: School Family Night

8:53 PM Ghettomomma 0 Comments

Jaeden had his first family night in school. 

The invite said Pizza! of course we had to be there :) 

We also had to bring a family photo for a frame making activity that will be kept in their classroom. 

For the longest time, it was my biggest struggle. I always thought that the decision to let go of our marriage was very selfish. That it would mean that I am depriving the boys of growing up in a complete family. 

So as much as possible, in any family event, we would make it so that the both of us (parents) can be there for the boys. 

I think we're still trying to figure it out. But this works, for now. 

All I know is that we share the same stand on this, whatever makes the boys happy, we're happy :) 

Jaeden was too busy playing with his friends so we couldn't get him in a photo. He also pointed to this pretty little girl and said "I like that girl!" and couldn't stop giggling! Lol 

It was a fun night. But I'm curious to know: Single Parents, how do you handle family nights? 
